8 research outputs found

    Estrategias de enseñanza del taller de cocina y restaurante y la satisfacción del aprendizaje en los estudiantes de la escuela profesional de Turismo-UNSAAC, Cusco 2023

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    El estudio que se da a conocer tiene como objetivo principal explicar de qué manera la aplicación de las estrategias de enseñanza del taller de cocina y restaurante genera satisfacción del aprendizaje en los estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Turismo-UNSAAC, Cusco 2023. Así mismo, la metodología de estudio empleada es de tipo aplicado desde un nivel explicativo acompañado de un diseño no experimental, con una técnica hipotético-deductivo, con enfoque cuantitativo. De esta manera, la población para la presente investigación, fue de 594 alumnos; con una muestra de 131 estudiantes que pertenecen al de noveno y décimo semestre que hayan llevado la asignatura taller de cocina y restaurante; basado en un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia y por criterios de exclusión e inclusión. Los instrumentos que se aplicó fue el cuestionario desde la técnica de encuesta. En razón a los hallazgos de acuerdo a la aplicación de la regresión logística ordinal, la significancia dio un valor de 0,013, y de Cox y Snell; y Nagelkerke 86,4 % y 87,6 % respectivamente. A partir de esto se concluye que la aplicación de las estrategias de enseñanza del taller de cocina y restaurante genera niveles significativos de satisfacción del aprendizaje en los alumnos

    Visualization of multidimensional sensor data in industrial engineering

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    Sensors have become increasingly deployed in many areas, and especially in industrial engineering settings. Sensor data is however temporal, massive, and multidimensional in nature. Such characteristics make it difficult to render sensor data for visual analysis. Although there exist potential visualizations for sensor data, there is very little specific guidance in literature on the visualization of sensor data in order to support industrial engineers in decision making. Existing visualizations are not always readily applicable to the domain of industrial engineering. This paper sheds more light on the area and proposes a visualization environment for supporting industrial engineers in their tasks. © 2013 IEEE

    Evaluating coordination support mechanisms in an industrial engineering scenario

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    Nowadays, industrial engineering collaboration plays a crucial role along product development life cycle, especially for problem-solving and decision-making processes. This paper evaluates the acceptance of two coordination mechanisms for groups when working on a machine diagnosis report collaboratively. The evaluation is organized as a user study and is based on two hypothesis: groups will prefer unstructured over structured coordination, and groups using structured coordination will accomplish their task more efficiently. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Visual Query Specification and Interaction with Industrial Engineering Data

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    Nowadays, industrial engineering environments are typically characterized by sensors which stream massive amounts of different types of data. It is often difficult for industrial engineers to query, interact with, and interpret the data. In order to process many different kinds of distributed data stream sources originating from different kinds of data sources, a distributed federated data stream management system (FDSMS) is necessary. Although there exist some research efforts aimed at providing visual interfaces for querying temporal and real time data, there is virtually no existing work that provides a visual query specification and interaction interface that directly corresponds to a distributed federated data stream management system. This paper describes a visual environment that supports users in visually specifying queries and interacting with industrial engineering data. The visual environment comprises: a visual query specification and interaction environment, and a corresponding visual query language that runs on top of a distributed FDSMS. © 2013 Springer-Verlag

    Service-oriented architecture for smart environments

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    The advances of pervasive technology offer new standards for user comfort by adding intelligence to ubiquitous home and office appliances. With intelligence being the core of some newly constructed buildings, it is important to design a scalable, robust, context-aware architecture, which not only has enough longevity and evolving capabilities to sustain itself over the building's lifetime, but also provides enough potential for additional features to be added to the core Building Management Systems (BMS). Such features may include energy preservation system, or activity-recognition techniques. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles provide great tools that can be applied to the smart buildings design, however certain specifics of pervasive systems should be taken into account, such as high heterogeneity of available devices and capabilities. In this paper we propose an architecture for smart pervasive applications, which is based on SOA principles and is specifically designed for long-term applicability, scalability, and evolution capabilities of a BMS. We validate our proposal by implementing a smart office on the premises of the Technical University of Eindhoven and showing that it complies with the requirements of scalability and robustness, at the same time being a viable BMS. © 2013 IEEE

    Micro-accounting for optimizing and saving energy in smart buildings

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    Energy management, and in particular its optimization, is one of the hot trends in the current days, both at the enterprise level (optimization of whole corporate/government buildings) and singlecitizens’ homes. The current trend is to provide knowledge about the micro(scopic) energy consumption. This allows to save energy, but also to optimize the different energy sources (e.g., solar vs. traditional one) in case of a mixed architecture. In this work, after briefly introducing our specific platform for smart environments able to micro-account energy consumption of devices, we present two case studies of its utilization: energy saving in offices and smart switching among different energy sources